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pressestimmen | press | écho de la presse "The San Antonio Symphony performance of the Jean Sibelius Symphony No. 5 on Friday night was so good it almost makes one mad at conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing. Why did the symphony's music director, now near the end of his third season, keep so long from the San Antonio audience his sweeping gift for directing Sibelius? As much as one might know the exaltations of the Fifth Symphony from recordings or other live performances, it is unlikely anyone has heard the fresh beauty and glory Lang-Lessing presented to the 1,500 people in the audience. The sense of a special interpretation started from the opening measures as the flutes sounded like birds chirping their welcome for the sunrise as Sibelius' native Finland awakes from its long, dark winter. The orchestral crescendo later in the first movement was like a dam burst of emotion. Lang-Lessing's shaping unfolded in a way that it was easy to detect the nationalism as well as the music's connection to the rhythms of nature." San Antonio Express, May 5, 2013 by David Hendricks
Bolero – speaking French like a native "The most remarkable aspect of the concert was Mr. Lang-Lessing's total mastery of the sound universe of Ravel and Debussy -- the distinctive inner pulse, the eroticism, the layered transparency, the clarity of the textures, achieved through meticulous orchestral balances (and, of course, top-drawer playing from the orchestra)." … Mr. Lang-Lessing has been fully at the helm of this orchestra for less than two years, but his ambitions for its sound are already coming to fruition. In this concert the strings achieved a silken transparency and luxurious surface beyond anything I've heard before from this orchestra; Incident Light, November 10, 2012 Mike Greenberg http://incidentlight.com
San Antonio Symphony "So this is how it is going to be with new Music Director Lang-Lessing — programs of bold, vivid, purpose-driven and audience-pleasing music. It is one thing to schedule such music, but another matter to deliver it with authentic, crisp precision and emotion like Lang-Lessing did in his first regular subscription concert. The two Franz Liszt tone poems, "Mazzepa" and "Les Préludes," sizzled with electricity at every turn of their musical stories. The performance of Antonin Dvorák's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World," nailed every emotion from tender nostalgia and spirituality to triumph." San Antonio News, January 8, 2011 David Hendrickshttp://www.mysanantonio.com/...
Rienzi – The triumph of the music: Sebastian Lang-Lessing, in the pit of the Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin, dedicated himself to the score that had been shortened to one-third of its original length. Radiant, wonderfully honest and sincere, the young Wagner magically unfolded under his hands. Lang-Lessing followed the fire, the great melodious tensions and drive of the music, faithfully, and at the same time, avoided false pathos and showy effects. He proved himself an excellent conductor. Epoch Times, February 23 2010, Rosemarie Frühauf Rienzi, Wagner Deutsche Oper Berlin: The German conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing was in charge of the musical direction and his reading - full of strength and energy - drew a magnificent sound from the Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper, perhaps the best performance during this Wagner week. Mr. Lang Lessing put a lot of effort and dedication into this score and the result was bright and convincing even though there is no question that this opera is a mixture the good, the mediocre, and the very good indeed. Overall, the production and the musical performance combined sustained audience interest and special mention is due to the Deutsche Oper Chorus, who were absolutely outstanding. Their musical performance - always at the highest level – coupled with their amazing massed stage work, was truly great. There is no other word. Music Web International, Februar 2010, José Irurzun http://www.musicweb-international.com/SandH/2010/Jan-Jun10/rienzi1002.htm Mendelssohn: The Five Symphonies, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, ABC Classics This recording by the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra with its chief conductor, Sebastian Lang-Lessing, exudes refinement and musical craftsmanship. Recorded over two years , the box set of three CDs (it also contains a DVD, Mendelssohn Down Under, about the recording sessions) is an engaging survey of these fascinating works. The Tasmanian musicians play with concentrated conviction and a wide expressive range. The playing is, at times, dramatically exuberant and energetic with crisp articulation and taut rhythmic control. By contrast, where required, there is an expansive romantic warmth with more flexible rhythmic shaping. Lang-Lessing is particularly impressive in the long, rather problematic second symphony, the Lobgesang. The Australian, January 9 2010, Mark Coughlan http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/arts/this-weeks-cds/story-e6frg8n6-1225816322098 „Der Dirigent Sebastian Lang-Lessing meint diesen frühen Wagner wie italienischen Belcanto von Bellini musizieren zu müssen. Und zumindest am Anfang des Vorspiels klangen die Trompeten des Orchesters so weich, als würde einem warme Butter aufs Ohr gepinselt. Wie sollte man das nicht gern haben?“ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26. Januar 2010, Jan Brachmann „Wagners suggestives Potpourri, von Sebastian Lang und dem Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin mit klaren, forschen Konturen in den Raum gesetzt, liefert ein präzises und dramatisches Exposé des Herrschenwollens und Scheiternmüssens.“ … „Musikalisch führen die Striche manchmal zu harmonischen Vorgängen, die Wagner so im Jahre 1842 nicht zur Verfügung standen. Der vorzüglichen Arbeit des Orchesters unter Sebastian Lang-Lessing ist zu verdanken, dass an den Schnittkanten der Musik dennoch keine Zusammenhanglosigkeit entsteht…“. Frankfurter Rundschau, 26. Januar 2010, Hans-Jürgen Linke Anstelle des durch Krankheit verhinderten Michail Jurowski hat kurzfristig Sebastian Lang-Lessing die musikalische Leitung übernommen: eine bravouröse Leistung, da er die Digestfassung mit ihren abrupten Tonart- und Tempowechseln geschickt zu einer Einheit zu formen und dabei das Orchester zu Bestleistungen anzuspornen weiß. Neue Musik Zeitung, 26. Januar 2010, Peter P. Pachl „Unter der musikalischen Leitung von Sebastian Lang-Lessing sorgt das Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin dafür, dass die Melodien aufblühen und liefert während der ganzen Aufführung eine mustergültige Leistung.“ Der Neue Merker, Wien, 26. Januar 2010 „Viel Beifall gab es allerdings für die musikalische Seite des Abends, allen voran für die souveräne Leistung am Dirigentenpult von Sebastian Lang-Lessing…“ Bayerischer Rundfunk, 26. Januar 2010 „Sebastian Lang-Lessing realisiert die musikalische Entwicklung innerhalb des Frühwerks souverän.“ … „Das Orchester der Deutschen Oper hört man nicht immer so entschieden und so charaktervoll. So wird die brisante, ja heikle Aufführung doch noch zu einer knackigen Angelegenheit.“ RBB Kulturradio, 25. Januar 2010,Kai Luehrs-Kaiser „Auch Sebastian Lang-Lessing im Graben macht seine Sache gut, lässt gleich in der Ouvertüre ein paar nagende Mittelstimmen an der Führer-Melodie kratzen – und das Orchester der Deutschen Oper folgt ihm gern.“ Tagesspiegel, 26. Januar 2010, Christine Lemke-Matwey „Für die musikalische Seite des Abends unter der Leitung von Sebastian Lang-Lessing gab es viel Beifall.“… „Souverän führte er den Stab am Dirigentenpult bei den oft pathetisch-bombastischen Klängen Wagners, der damals noch an die französische Grand Opera anknüpfen wollte.“ Berliner Zeitung, 26. Januar 2010 „Sebastian Lang-Lessing gibt im Orchestergraben Vollgas.“ … „Er ist dauernd im Aufstand gegen diesen und jenen und singt sich dabei vollhals heraus. Er würde zweifellos selbst die Kulissen wackeln machen, wären die nicht von Ulrike Sigrist in Gemeinschaft mit Philipp Stölzl unerschütterlich fest gefügt. Berliner Morgenpost, 26. Januar 2010, Klaus Geitel „Erst verhalten aus dem Handgelenk den Fanfarenruf samt heldischem Streichersextsprung begleitend, den ihm Sebastian Lang-Lessing fein abgetönt und kultiviert klangserviert…“ ... „So bleibt von einem unschlüssigen Opernabend immerhin eine souveräne Orchesterleistung…“ DIE WELT, 26. Januar 2010, Manuel Brug The orchestra excelled, finding what sounded like an extra dose of inspiration in conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing, who relished every prismatic detail in Verdi's score as he applied equal amounts of momentum and sensitivity to the performance. THE BALTIMORE SUN / 13. Oktober 2009 Falstaff – Washington National Opera It's a case of famiilarity breeds contentment when the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra hits town for its annual three-night season. They've been coming here since 2005 when their dynamic German chief conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing vowed to take the Harbour City by storm. And with the surefire combination of popular symphonies coupled with concertos featuring some of the best soloists in the world, the small orchestra has built up a keen Sydney fan base as well as its loyal band of followers who come up from the Apple Isle. … Lang-Lessing's infectious energy was much to the fore in the last piece on the first night. Conductor and orchestra breathe as one and it is particularly enjoyable watching them work together in the intimate surroundings of Angel Place. SYDNEY ALIVE / 31 August 2009 http://alive-sydney.whereilive.com.au/lifestyle/story/a-case-where-familiarity-breeds-contentment/ A memorable night of ecstasy, joy and sweet moxie: Lang-Lessing brought tremendous energy, enthusiasm and joy to the outer allegros of the "Renish". … To judge from vociferousness (pediferousness? soulefulness?) of the musician's foot-stomping salute at the concert's end, the orchetra liked Lang-Lessing a lot. So did I. INCIDENT LIGHT, by Mike Greenberg / 2 May 2009 What a wonderfully enjoyable, smoothly presented and ultimately invigorating evening of opera choral highlights! Bravo! … It was also a pleasure to experience visiting conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing on the podium, obtaining some really fine playing from the CPO. … Through all of this Lang-Lessing conducted with an assured energy create tension and excitement aplenty and certainly inspired orchestral playing. THE CAPE TIMES / 23 April 2009 Link to Cape Town Opera Website: In the pit, Sebastian Lang-Lessing was an enthusiastic leader of the Colorado Symphony, which provided a lovely accompaniment, adding magic with every reprise of that lovely, endlessly recurring duet tune. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA, Opera News Online / 14.02.2009 German conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing paced the Colorado Symphony extremely well with an extraordinarily sensitive baton. MUSIC WEB INTERNATIONAL / 14.02.2009 Ein durchweg jugendfrischer Mendelssohn: Lang-Lessing entging jedoch klug der Versuchung, eine Pastorale mit Patina zu dirigieren. Lichtdurchflutet klang selbst die wehmütige langsame Einleitung, mit stürmischem Eroica-Ton drängten die schnellen Sätze voran, herrlich durchhörbar aufgefächert und dank der schlanken Streicher traten auch mal Mittelstimmen nach vorn. Ein durchweg jugendfrischer dynamisch gut austarierter Mendelssohn war das… DIE WELT 10 / 2007: Hamburger Symphoniker - Laeiszhalle Hamburg GILLIAN WILLS talks to conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing in the context of the recent Mendelssohn Festival in Hobart, Tasmania Sebastian Lang-Lessing has made an indelible stamp on the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra since he became Chief Conductor in 2004. The TSO has only 47 players. While many would lobby for more, Lang-Lessing is happy with these modest forces. 'It is an opportunity to play core repertoire by Mendelssohn or Schumann or Beethoven who wrote for smallish orchestras. The size is often ideal for contemporary repertoire too, and, because the musicians are more exposed they play better' he says... music & vision homepage, August 9, 2007 Much of the performance's sophistication and sensuality comes from the pit. Lang-Lessing gets a rich, creamy sound from the orchestra, which plays beautifully all night. He conducts Lehár's waltzes and flirtatious melodies as knowingly multi-layered as Mahler. LA TIMES, By Mark Swed 04 / 2007: The Merry Widow - Los Angeles Opera; Susan Graham, Merry Widow ...This is due in large part to the superlative conducting of Germany's youthful Sebastian Lang-Lessing, now top maestro in both Nancy and Tasmania. He lays bare in this music a gravity and an undertow of sadness usually inaudible behind the glitter of the score and the many "hits" that explain its popularity. Lang-Lessing, a frequent Houston guest, evokes superb playing from the ensemble. He makes a meaningful whole of Gounod's somewhat disparate scenes, bringing both cohesion and dramatic intensity to the work.... OPERA TODAY, Houston 02 / 2007: Faust - Houston Grand Opera; Sam Ramey Mephisto. Tamar Iveri Margeruite http://www.operatoday.com/ Conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing plunged the audience into the overture with unrelenting vehemence. The forceful interpretation created the momentum that undergirded most of the drama. In one of the brief interludes, the third act entr'acte, the orchestra created an ethereal, shimmering quality, before shifting back to the dynamic, driving thrust of the central story. This approach is both unusual and interesting. Lang-Lessing conducted with great vitality and authority and the orchestra played impressevely for him. SAN FRANCISCO CLASSICAL VOICE 11 / 2006: Carmen - San Francisco Opera In the pit, Sebastian Lang-Lessing attempted to enliven the proceedings. The conductor set speedy tempos and emphasized dynamic contrasts; the orchestra's performance often provided the excitement that was missing onstage CONTRA COSTA TIMES SF 11 / 2006: Carmen - San Francisco Opera Für einen interpretatorischen Glücksfall sorgt dabei die zwischen sonorem Schmelz und klarer Struktur vermittelnde Stabführung von Sebastian Lang-Lessing. Das Orchester klingt angenehm kompakt und naturbelassen. Fono Forum 05 / 2006: Ropartz CD, Sinfonien Nr.1 und 4; Orchestre Smyphonique et Lyrique de Nancy The production is sultry and minimal, and the orchestra sparkles and glows under the heated conducting of Sebastian Lang-Lessing. Viva Carmen! HOUSTON PRESS 04 / 2006: Carmen - Houston Grand Opera; Béatrice Uria Monzon, Carmen Tuesday evening at the War Memorial Opera House - thanks in large part to debuting guest conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing - the company made a glowing case for Bizet's youthful score. It was Lang-Lessing, in his company debut, who steered Tuesday's opening to its greatest moments of success. The German conductor, a veteran of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Hamburg Opera and Paris Opera Bastille - current director of the Symphony Orchestra of Nancy - , managed to create a genuine sense of romantic fervency and voluptuousness. SAN FRANCISCO VALLEY TIMES 06 / 2005: The Pearl Fishers - San Francisco Opera Artists in opera are only as effective as their conductor allows them to be, however, and maestro Sebastian Lang-Lessing was an important force in the evening's success. The young German making his local debut sculpted Bizet's often sinuous orchestration with its exotics solos for oboe, flutes, and chor anglais, yet always remaining sensitive to the needs of his singers. He created a wild storm of strings, timpani, cymbals, and gongs with digital thunder rocking the auditorium as it was lit by lightning for the finale Act Two, thrilling and theatrical. SAN FRANCISCO CLASSICAL VOICE 06 / 2005: The Pearl Fishers - San Francisco Opera Under the baton of its new artistic director, Sebastian Lang-Lessing, its performance of Schumann's orchestral music was potent in its expressive range, generous in the warmth of its sound, and disciplined in matters of balance and ensemble. Lang-Lessing coaxed the best from his players in animated gestures designed to summon exactely what he wanted. What he got was a responsive performance, architecturally satisfying and musically convincing, full of vitality and stylish detail. SYDNEY MORNING HAROLD 05 / 2005: Sydney Recital Hall - Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Quant aux passages purement instrumentaux, la direction de Sebastian Lang-Lessing, toute de fascinante clarté dans les rencontres sonores et d'étonnante originalité dans les modes d'attaque, en traduit la plus pure essence, l'expression unitaire des multiples tourments d'une âme sensible. RESMUSICA FRANCE 04 / 2005: Rosenkavalier - Opéra national de Lorraine Sebastian Lang-Lessing has his finger firmly on the Wagnerian pulse. He has rattled the house orchestra into shape - the strings are lush and the brass come through with rounded tone. FINANCIAL TIMES 04 / 2004: Tristan und Isolde - Opéra national de Nancy … a rich and sensitive performance of this glorious late-Romantic masterpiece emergeg. Lang-Lessing picked up the pace, and the orchestra developed a relish for the sheer sumptuousness of the score. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH 10 /2003 Rusalka – Leeds … Dvorak's glorious score is wonderfully conducted by Sebastian Lang-Lessing… THE TIMES 10 /2003 Rusalka – Leeds … In the pit, Lang-Lessing provided the most consistently satisfying music making. With his highly animated cues, he drew striking playing from the HGO Orchestra. Its final opera-ending outburst, a huge cry that slowly descends, provided the biggest chills of emotions all evening. HOUSTON CHRONICLE 02 / 2002: La Bohème - Houston Grand Opera
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